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Job Search for newcomers 101: How to create your 30-second pitch

One very interesting concept that I also learned after starting to really take a deep dive into job searching here in Canada is the 30-second pitch.

When you're looking for a job, you have to be on #JobSearchMode 24/7. The idea is that you may come across interesting opportunities and interactions that can lead to a job when you least expect it, so, you must always be prepared.

It is highly recommended that, when in #JobSearchMode you always wear "business casual" attire, for instance. Forget that trip to the supermarket in your PJs. You never know who might start a conversation with you on the line.

Even when you answer your phone, you should do it more professionally. Ditch the plain high-pitched "hello?" and pick up with the phone with more confidence: "Hello, Marcia speaking" is the way to go.

Oh, and remember to set up your voicemail as well, you never know who may have called while you were on the subway, right?

That leads us to this post's topic: the 30-second pitch. Picture yourself on the elevator with the Hiring Manager of your Dream Job.

What would you say to them if you only had 30 seconds to sell yourself and impress them? That's how long an elevator ride is, right? You have only that short amount of time to nail it. And, using a structured speech can lead to that great interview opportunity that you've been dreaming of!

The best way to prepare is by timing your speech using a recorder until you reach perfection! You want to sound natural when the time comes.

Your pitch should ideally contain:

- Your Background and Skill set

- Where you have applied those skills

- Why you deserve an opportunity for an interview

One common opportunity to use this speech is when approaching a potential employer in a Job Fair. These are faily common here in Toronto. You will probably find different fairs promoted by agencies such as Acces Employment every month, so, stay tuned!

Here is a video that gives a very clear idea of the do's and don'ts of the elevator pitch!

Spoiler alert: I felt sooo sorry and heartbroken for the guy that went completely blank. This is exactly what we're looking to avoid by practicing. At least, when it's our turn to make a pitch, it won't likely be live on CNN! PHEW!

Check it out and let me know your thoughts!

Keep searching.

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