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Job Search for newcomers 101: How to write Thank-you notes

Hope that interview went well! So, what do you do next?

Besides trying not to chew your nails or binge eat while you binge watch on something on Netflix, of course.

Try and get over that anxiety. Control the urge to check your email every five minutes. GET IT TOGETHER! LOL

If you haven't already, it's time to send the potential employer a Thank You Note.

This is another very common practice here in Canada and it is also a great opportunity to make a good impression and set yourself apart one last time.

It is important to send this message to the interviewer within the next 24 hours after the interview took place.

Use this chance to, naturally, thank the interviewer for their precious time, and, once again, state your interest and enthusiasm to work with them.

It is also a good idea to remind them of something interesting that came up during the interview and reinforce the reasons why you firmly believe that you would be a great addition to their team, addressing your skills and expertise.

Now, here is something that I haven't yet had the chance to try myself. I have heard about this from two different headhunters, who had success stories to share.

If you're applying to a position at a more traditional company, you may want to surprise them by sending a hand-written thank you note. Of course, in order to do that, you will have to send a raven, just like they would on Game of Thrones. Kidding! But, yes, you would have to actually send it by post.

To be successful with that technique, you'd have to mail the written note right after the interview, ONLY if you believe that it will arrive within the next 24 hours.

If you decide to try this method, do come back and let me know if it worked.

Stay tuned!

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